ESP32 MQTT Weather Sensor

I'm making a sensor based on an esp32 (the project is in standby for now...)

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Air Pressure
  • Light level
  • Presence
  • With a OLED display
  • On battery.

When you are near the sensor, the display show the data.
The Wemos Lolin Lite is not really good for this project as it use 800ua in sleep mode.

Data are sent to an SSL MQTT server (Adafruit IO) with certificate verification.
I also had fun sending data on a private discord server.

If you want to learn how to use MQTT, you should try adafruit io.
You don't have to manage the server, and you get a shareable dashboard.


I showed it at Arduino Days, here is the flier, in french sorry :-)